
So my May Varnish of The Month has served me well; so as the month comes to a close you know I MUST give you my top picks when it comes to The New Black. We shall start off with my go to varnish set!

  • Walrus (above) – Is a solid A for me. The whole set is this beautiful range of nudes and bases that go with every outfit and can satisfy every mood. Literally, it is the best nude palette I’ve owned to date. The colors come on thick and don’t chip away super easy, which is a big plus for me. Also, the design I did on my nails were all from these polishes above, so I didn’t have to come in with thicker colors to stick! A totally reliable set that I will use again and again! base
  • Magical Moss (right)- I’ve stated this before and I will state this again, I ADORE the green shade in this set. It’s this purely magical shifting green that adds dimension to any manicure you’re going to do. Also the shimmering gold and green polish with red flecks brings this manicure to a whole different level! A+++++!top
  • Femme Fatale (left)- Is it possible for a varnish to be like, the sexiest color you have every used? Because when it comes to Femme Fatale, the deep purple color is so captivating it just evokes this confidence that I am all about! Seriously, it’s like having a secret weapon on your nails. When it comes to the shimmer in this set, I’m not completely in love with it. However, I think the deep purple makes up for what the gold shimmer lacks. B+.

xx – varnishta

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